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HARDLINE Rules of Engagement

Version 1.0

1. Scope of the Rules of Engagement

This document is to serve as a complete compendium to the rules of the servers. This document contains all rules of the server in which the document was written for. If it is not listed in this document it does not exist and is not enforceable. Each rule will have specific definitions of the rule as well as elaborating the specified intent of the rule along with examples to help clarify the rules true intent. By the end of this document, no questions should be remaining as to what the rule meant and how it applies to the player.

2. Hardline - Public Server Rules

  • No fratricide.

  • No destruction of friendly equipment.

  • Weapons safe on base.

  • No foul language, racism, or insults of any type will be tolerated.

3. Specific definitions of Hardline - Public Server Rules The following is a numbered list of all server rules that are in accordance to the list of section 2. Each rule will have a subsection explaining the intentions of the rule and specific cases of the rule.

  • No fratricide.

    • Fratricide, n, Latin for brother killing, and is used to describe 'friendly fire', or commonly called 'TKing' or 'Team Killing';

    • This means the purposeful or accidental killing of another player;

  • Spirit of the rule - This rule is a pretty run-of-the-mill for team-based FPS ( First Person Shooter ) games. It's universally considered in bad taste and bad form. It makes the game not fun to be shot in the back. The idea is to have fun, not have to worry about a chaotic free for all.

  • No destruction of friendly equipment.

    • This includes purposeful and accidental occurrences;

    • This includes all actions other than enemy fire: crashing, using explosives and shooting;

  • Spirit of the rule - This rule is similar in spirit to the first rule. There's already enough concern with the enemy trying to wax that armor or aviation asset.

  • All pilots should practice proper use of aircraft to meet team objectives.

    • They must also have a working mic, and be willing to co-ordinate while flying;

  • Spirit of the rule - This rule is for the coordination of the aircraft in the air, as most of the aircraft need to be called in for fire support, which means they need to hear the call. Other reasons include coordination of the assets. There's no reason to have an aircraft transporting 1 dude a piece from the airbase.

    • Caveat being that the aircraft is in immediate danger and needs to act against that danger;

  • Weapons safe on base.

    • Discharge or firing of any weapon on base is strictly prohibited;

  • Spirit of the rule - This rule is meant to underline rules 1 and 2. There's no reason to fire on base.

  • No foul language, racism, or insults of any type will be tolerated.

    • No swearing;

    • No racism;

    • This includes abbreviations;

    • This includes in-game names;

    • No insulting other players;

    • No going around the censor filter;

    • No elitist attitude toward others;

    • Treat others as you would your best friend;

  • Spirit of the rule - The Blue Steel Gaming Clan tries to make a fun environment for people of all ages. While our recruiting age may be 18, we do have younger members in our server and want to ensure that our servers are family friendly. If you wouldn't say it in-front of your own mother, you shouldn't be saying it here. If you feel that something is questionable, it is probably wrong.

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